Beyond Attitude Consulting acknowledges we operate in Mi’kma’ki – the unceded territory and ancestral homeland of the Mi’kmaq First Nation. Our relationship is based on a series of Peace and Friendship treaties between the Mi’kmaq First Nation and the Crown, dating from 1725 to 1779. In 1999 the Supreme Court of Canada, in R v Marshall, upheld the 1752 treaty “which promised Indigenous Peoples the right to hunt and fish their lands and establish trade.”
We also acknowledge that we work and play in many unceded territories and ancestral homelands of Indigenous Peoples across North America, and respect the rights and traditions of the many First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples therein.
We are all Treaty People.
RCBC Conference 2011 – Proceedings Posted
I had a wonderful time at the Recycling Council of British Columbia (http://rcbc NULL.bc‘s annual waste management conference in Whistler, BC.
(http://www NULL.beyondattitude NULL.jpg)Langley Composts! The presentations were great, I connected with a bunch of friends I had not seen in quite a while, and made lots of new ones. It really was an excellent and well-run conference, and the organizers should be proud of what they accomplished.
I had the pleasure of sharing the podium with Robyn Cooper of the Township of Langley (http://www NULL.tol We presented on the backyard composting Community-based Social Marketing program we did together in 2011, funded by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (http://www NULL.fcm
All conference presentations are now available on the RCBC conference website (http://rcbc NULL.bc