Beyond Attitude Consulting acknowledges we operate in Mi’kma’ki – the unceded territory and ancestral homeland of the Mi’kmaq First Nation. Our relationship is based on a series of Peace and Friendship treaties between the Mi’kmaq First Nation and the Crown, dating from 1725 to 1779. In 1999 the Supreme Court of Canada, in R v Marshall, upheld the 1752 treaty “which promised Indigenous Peoples the right to hunt and fish their lands and establish trade.”
We also acknowledge that we work and play in many unceded territories and ancestral homelands of Indigenous Peoples across North America, and respect the rights and traditions of the many First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples therein.
We are all Treaty People.
Brilliant Solar Panel Program Idea
I am very excited that Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) Council has approved the concept of an innovative solar panel program this evening. The program has the capability of delivering significant energy and cost savings for homeowners while reducing greenhouse gas omissions. And it has an important CBSM component as well.
You can read the staff report to council (http://halifax NULL.pdf) here. You will see that a significant barrier to installation of hot water solar systems was identified by HRM staff. That is, the payback period of 10 to 12 years was too long for people to put up the $4000 to $5000 cost of system installation.
(http://www NULL.beyondattitude NULL.jpg)
Staff at HRM have come up with an excellent strategy to remove that barrier. The idea is that HRM would contract for and pay for the installation of the system, allowing the homeowner to pay back the cost at $400 per year. As the projected savings to the homeowner is $500 per year, the homeowner pays for the cost through the savings they are realizing. After the system is paid for, the homeowner saves the full $500 per year.
Kudos to HRM staff and Council for this brilliant program. I hope we can see installations beginning soon!